Admissions to Vale School are agreed by the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Panel of Haringey’s Children and Young People’s Service, advised by the Educational Psychology Service, (EPS), in negotiation with the school.
All admissions for Haringey residents are made through the Special Education Needs (SEN) of the Local Authority (LA). You can contact Central SEN Services at: 48 Station Road, London, N22 7TY. Tel: 020 8489 387. For admissions from other boroughs, the home borough SEN department will need to be contacted.
For more information about Haringey SEND admissions, please see the website. Information about the Local Authority appeal process can also be found on this website.
The school admits children from Haringey and other neighbouring boroughs. Before admission an initial assessment of the child’s learning and medical/therapeutic needs is carried out. Parents/persons with parental responsibility play an important role in this process and are invited to visit the school with their child, talk to the Headteacher or member of the Senior Leadership Team, see the class into which their child may be admitted and talk to appropriate staff.
Visits by Vale staff to the prospective pupil’s home or current placement can then be facilitated to ensure effective liaison and a smooth transfer.
For out of borough admissions, please ensure all consultations are sent to